Missed News Update


Did You Know?

On July 8th, 2020, there was an international online cybersecurity exercise held in Moscow, Russia. Called “Cyber Polygon,” it was run by the World Economic Forum and focused on a ‘digital pandemic’ that would result in mass disruptions of the power grid and supply chain systems. Klaus Schwab stated during this event, “I believe that there will be another crisis. It will be more significant. It will be faster than what we’ve seen with COVID. The impact will be greater & as a result, the economic & social implications will be even more significant.” Coming from the person calling for and leading the charge for “The Great Reset,” it seems it would do the discerning person well to pay attention to what this man says.


After this “exercise,” there were statements from several government agencies, such as the F.B.I., agreeing with the assessments of the exercise, and then not much else, until recently. On December 8th, the cybersecurity firm FireEye was hacked by what they say in a New York Times article was, “a nation with top-tier offensive capabilities.” Then, only this week, the news was released that SolarWinds was hacked in March, “when malicious code was snuck into updates to popular software that monitors computer networks of businesses and governments,” according to the Associated Press. This code is now being used to access these networks.

Again So?

At first, I can see why a person may not care about FireEye or SolarWinds being hacked, however, when you take a deeper look into it, it becomes clear why this is in fact something very serious. First, in the case of FireEye, according to the NYT, “hackers used “novel techniques” to make off with its own tool kit, which could be useful in mounting new attacks around the world.” In the case of SolarWinds, according to the AP article, “SolarWinds, of Austin, Texas, provides network-monitoring and other technical services to hundreds of thousands of organizations around the world, including most Fortune 500 companies and government agencies in North America, Europe, Asia, and the Middle East.”


Now, to bring you up to speed and make clear the reason for this post. Today. December 17th, 2020, the BBC World News channel ran a story in which the first line is, “US officials have warned that a major hacking campaign uncovered this week poses a “grave risk” to the government, critical infrastructure, and the private sector.” This is after three days ago, the same channel ran the article titled, “US Treasury and commerce department targeted in cyber-attack.” To be clear, the current party line is that Russia is the “state” that is doing the hacking but, in considering “Cyber Polygon,” being hosted in Moscow, we have questions.

To Conclude…

Considering everything that is currently going on regarding “The Great Reset,” and the topics written about on this page, we think it is very important to have a plan for if the power grid and supply chains were to go down for an extended period. This is not fear porn, or anything else other than a warning. I will leave you with one more fact to consider if you have read this far, in 2015, Sen. Ron Johnson (R- Wisconsin) said that there’s “100% certainty” that a large electromagnetic pulse (EMP) or geomagnetic disturbance (GMD) event would hit at some time in the future. He also said that when it happens, as many as 9 out of 10 people in the U.S. could die.”

The grid going down because of hacking would have the same effect…


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